No. Certificate Name
1 New water connection
2 To change ownership rights
3 To change size of water connection
4 To disconnect temporary/permanent water connection
5 Reconnect the connection
6 Change in use
7 To prepare water bill
8 Plumber Licence
9 Renewal of Plumber License
10 No dues certificate
11 To complaint about faulty meter
12 Unauthorised Water Connection
13 Complaint about water pressure
14 Complaint about quality of water
15 Getting New Licenses
16 Renewal of Licenses
17 Transfer of Licenses
18 Duplicate copy of Licenses
19 Changing name of business
20 Change the business
21 Change the business holder/Partner
22 Change number of partners (increase/Decrease)
23 Cancellation of Licenses
24 Notice for renewal of expired Licenses